Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Almost d-day

The chicks are coming the chicks are coming!

I can worry and fret no longer. My over thinking and analyzing must come to an end. Its time to get this hen party started. I limed the floor of the barn for further sterilization and spread out the cedar shavings that a dear friend just happened to have laying around in his welding shop and just happened to live down the street. God provides in the oddest (and most perfect) of ways sometimes!

I created my smaller brooding area with this super neat cardboard on a roll. There are a million craft and project ideas that I can think of using this stuff - but I must stay on task! Again, Brackton was close behind me helping out and filling up the chick feeder tray with our starter feed.

One of the brooders will not work despite the repairs we have done to it. Since I am doing a small flock, I think one brooder will suffice this time around. Will likely need to replace it if we do this again with more chicks.

Tomorrow I am planning on picking up 100 little peep peeps! I am very excited.... I am so enjoying this process and learning something so new and so different than financial statements, bank reconciliations, and cost of part analysis.

Wish me 'c'luck......

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